Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
In Jordan with Matt and Mary Ann Bates
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Today, our group had a wonderful night’s rest at the Lake Nakuru Lodge, a good breakfast (with view of a male lion as we ate!)—and headed off for the hour and half ride to Elbergon. There we met deacon David Gichuru at the post office, then rode with he and his wife/Alice in our van about 7 miles down a rough dirt/rock road. We ended up on small group of homes and village where one of the members—Jeffrey—lived. We arrived about 12noon, and had services with about 34 other members and their children under a shade tree with a tarp draped over where many of us sat. A most pleasant setting. They went out of their way to have chairs with cloths on them for all of us (and some of them) to sit on.
During Services—I was asked to present the card from the Sherman congregation to the Elbergon Church (which I did). I explained that “howdy” was Texan for their Swahili word for hello—“Jambo”. They enjoyed that and the greetings and well-wishes from the brethren very, very much. Mr. Waddle gave an excellent message on the subject of “Forgiveness”. After services we ate a great meal of potato, chicken, banana, and oranges—which all of the brethren joined in. We fellowshipped for another hour, as Jeffrey Goiy gave us a “tour” of his family’s home/compound. His home was a wood and mud building with tin roof. About 10 x 15 in size, with a mud (hard, of course!) floor. His brother’s home somewhat larger with three rooms. The Kitchen was similar to his home, with two fire pits for cooking. They also had two cows, chickens, and a rooster (that crowed several times halfway through the sermon)! It was a wonderful and inspiring day with the brethren in that part of the Country.
On our way home to Lake Nakuru late that afternoon, we stopped along the road inside the National park to view a lioness and her two cubs in the grass about 30 yards off the way. A great sight indeed as the sun was setting on the Sabbath in the high Rift Valley of southern Kenya. As we drove the last 4 miles to our lodging, all 5 of the United Youth Corps volunteers admitted this had been a most memorable and inspiring Sabbath in so very many ways. Tomorrow we hope to see more wild game before leaving and heading back to the capital city of Nairobi. We plan to meet with on of the local deacons and his wife, and stay in the city Sunday evening. Monday will be a day for laundry, rest, and visiting some of the markets of Nairobi prior to all 5 of the United Youth Corps participants (Matt, Beth, Jeremy, Jennifer, and Becky) and myself leaving Kenya on Monday evening. As I write this, Mr. Tim Waddle is having a post Sabbath talk with the volunteers about their experience, lessons-learned, and the value it has brought to their lives. It has been a very successful Youth Corps trip and project that I feel God has richly blessed with wonderful weather, safety, and great experiences for all involved!
The Youth Corps young adults will be arriving home Tuesday evening. I will be forwarding on to Amman, Jordan the same day and hope to send a further update or two while in the middle east.
~Doug Horchak
Our theme for Christian Living classes for camp this year was Godly Relationships. Between Mr. Horchak and me we covered Godly relationships with friends, God, parents, Church and finally on the last day the class focused on Godly relationships with the world. Each night around the camp fire we had one of the Youth Corp participants, Matthew Kirilis, review the morning class by asking questions concerning the topic covered. This went very well as those who answered correctly were rewarded with a candy bar.
The activities went well on the last day with the highlight being a Team Building contest to see which dorms could complete the “spider web” in the quickest amount of time. The campers greatly enjoyed the friendly competition and the lessons learned about team work and cooperation.
~Tim Waddle
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Midway Through Kenya Camp
Jambo Sana from
Yesterday during the Bible class I was teaching under the acacia trees near the “kitchen” tent—several Colobus monkeys were playing. The largest of the monkeys decided to steal a huge carrot from the preparation bowl the ladies were using to prepare the evening meal! Then, decided to run over and plop himself down to each is booty about 10 feet from me. What a sight. It offered a good laugh for all of us.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Hippo-Hello from
In Kenya!
Jambo from
Our entire United Youth Corps group—Mr. Tim Waddle, Beth Isaac, Jeremy Hongerloot, Jennifer Pennington, Becky Horchak, Matt Kirielis, and myself arrived safely in
That said, we were happy to finally arrive at our initial destination in
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007
The Beginning