Upcoming Trip--
On December 5th, I begin the 3 1/2 week trek to East Africa and the Middle East. Having the privilege of working with Tim Waddle (assoc. pastor for Kenya) and 5 UCG young adults at the youth camp in Kenya is a wonderful blessing!
Here's the schedule:
Dec 5--depart from DFW for Nairobi, Kenya
Dec 7/8--In Nairobi staying with members--Sabbath Services in Nairobi
Dec 9--Travel to Lake Naivasha to set up youth camp/tents, etc.
Dec 10-14--UCG Youth Camp an Lake Naivasha for 78 teens from Kenya and Tanzania
Dec 15-16--Sabbath Services in Nakuru, and touring wildlife park at Lake Nakuru
Dec 17--Depart Nairobi (young adults back to US!)--for Amman, Jordan.
Dec 18-21--Visit Matt/Mary Ann Bates in Amman, planning for Summer UYCorps project
Dec 22-27--Tour Israel with my son, Greg, and Phil Sandilands
Dec 28--Return to the U.S--Home Sweet Home!
I hope to update the blog either in Kenya, or upon arriving in Amman Dec 18-21. Your prayers for us all are appreciated! Doug Horchak