Sunday, December 16, 2007

Greetings from Kenya!

The final day of camp in Kenya began like the previous days: Fisheagles screeching, campers stirring, a chill in the air, kitchen crew banging pots and starting breakfast, but for the Youth Corps there was a difference. We left camp at 7:00 AM for an early morning boat ride on Lake Navasha. Lake Navasha is world renown for bird watching and of course for hippos. We were able to see variety of wildlife and a pod of hippopotamus’. It was a great start to the last day of camp.

Our theme for Christian Living classes for camp this year was Godly Relationships. Between Mr. Horchak and me we covered Godly relationships with friends, God, parents, Church and finally on the last day the class focused on Godly relationships with the world. Each night around the camp fire we had one of the Youth Corp participants, Matthew Kirilis, review the morning class by asking questions concerning the topic covered. This went very well as those who answered correctly were rewarded with a candy bar.

The activities went well on the last day with the highlight being a Team Building contest to see which dorms could complete the “spider web” in the quickest amount of time. The campers greatly enjoyed the friendly competition and the lessons learned about team work and cooperation.

On the final afternoon we canceled classes so that the entire camp could take a hike to an area of the lake where locals go to spend afternoons. This was something anticipated by the Kenyan youth who enjoy time playing games like hide n seek, watching hippos, and lying in the grass with friends.

We have had another successful camp in Kenya. The campers have had fun while learning more about God and God’s way of life, the staff devoted much time and effort, and the Youth Corp participants have all worked hard and served well. All that is left is to tear down camp in the morning, say our good byes, go our ways, and wait for next year. (Val…love you and the family!!...tim).

~Tim Waddle

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