Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tour Of Corregidor Island...Manila

I arrived late on Thursday night, Dec. 18th with Mr. Dave Baker and Mr-s Ray Evasco meeting me at the airport, which I much appreciated!Got about 4 hours sleep on Thursday night, as Mr. Baker and I took a shuttle boat out to Corregidor Island at the mouth of Manila Bay to take a tour of the famous World War II memorial on the famous military encampment captured by the Japanese in 1942, only to be re-captured and occupied again by the US and Philippine military in 1945.As many know, Corregidor was a small, rocky island at the mouth of the large Bay of Manila that has served as the primary military defensive outpost for Manila and the Philippines since World War I. Touring the entire island with the history of the US military occupation in 1941 and 1942 when U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was overseeing the protection of the Philippino government officials during the Japanese occupation at the beginning of WW II. Taking this tour was both a reminder of the ravages of human warfare, violence and suffering...and the blessings of military success no doubt due to the protection and blessings of God during the darkest days of the Pacific Front during World War II for the United States. Clearly, these days of the leadership of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the decades of the 1930's and 1040's defined the modern-day Philippines and the decades that would follow. Tomorrow we fly to Bacalod and I will speak there for services. On Sunday morning we fly to Davao to visit with member in prison, then begin the ministerial meetings during the week.

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