Monday, June 8, 2009

Sabbath June – and Classes, Sun/Mon June 7-8

On Sabbath, June 6, we were picked up at the hotel by Joseph Banda (Kambani and Shirley Banda’s 19 year old son). Joseph drove to their home for us to unpack our luggage and be given our sleeping quarters. What a lovely surprise! The Banda’s have taken care of us royally. We each have our own bedroom, and I am give the small guest house in the rear of the main home. This was formerly their garage; however, they converted to a very nice guest room with shower so that Mr. Andre Van Belkum (minister that was the Sr. Pastor for the area out of South Africa) could have a place to stay when visiting the brethren and conducting Church work with Kambani in Zambia.
After lunch, we were all driven out to the Church property where we were able to visit with the 60 or so brethren. We began services about 3pm; and while I was asked to give the sermon and update the members on God’s work in the US, the highlight of the service was the grand special music members from Mumbwa presented. All a capella, and all sung in wonderful harmony! We visited with the members until dark, then came back to the Banda home that evening for dinner.
On Sunday, June 07, 2009 began our first day of classes. After a restful evening (in which the local dogs and resident roosters serenaded us on-and-off through the night!), we drove off to the camp/property site. After arriving and get the generator going and getting setup for projection of class material for English/Kristine McNeely and power for the student laptops for Zach—we were off to the races!
We had a wonderful day of classes on the first day! The weather was great (about 78-80 degrees and sunny). All 13 computer skill students (ranging in age from 19—48) were totally “green” to computer use—and were able to get immersed in the use of the laptop (keyboard, mouse, screen, understanding software, and an overview of the many capabilities of computing) use, and raved about it! “The best class I’ve ever taken” could be heard from some. Kristine had an enthusiastic group of students (age 23-66) that were anxious to learn English. The curriculum we decided on was teaching vocabulary words from 5 of the hymns in our UCG hymnal. Notebooks of words, picture, and drawing paper were given to each student. Kristine had picture games, charades, drawing the words, etc. throughout the day. I was able to assist Kristine with songleading, explaining Bible verses in which the words are used, and assisting with a few of the games. We ended classes about 5pm. After a short break, prior to dinner--we showed the entire group (with “big screen” on white shower curtain…and projector) one of the inspiring installments of PLANET EARTH (Discovery Channel Series). Needless to say, the don’t get to see such presentations and projection, and were simply mesmerized by the video.
That evening we had a meal of white rice, shima (pounded corn meal balls), chicken, and carrot/onion sauce. Very good meal, indeed. We headed back from the campsite property to the Banda home about 7:30pm. The week ahead promises to be busy, but rewarding as the brethren really appreciate learning.

Today (Monday, June 8) we had a wonderful day of classes. Students attentive, eager to learn, and great weather again! We had minced beef and vegetables for lunch... Needless to say, they are treating us very, very well. Tonight, before leaving the Church property, we set the members to all watch a large screen viewing of THE LION KING! They were very excited about seeing the movie, as much of the setting of the Lion King movie is East Africa.


Unknown said...

Hi dad,
glad all is going well. I conducted my first day of training for my swim staff today. All is going well.
Love you!

Unknown said...

Glad travel has been well and the classes are starting. Good news about the laptops arriving safely. Hope the rest of the trip is good.


Jordan Crew 08 said...

AMAZING, this is wonderful Mr. H! It warms my heart to read these entries. My love to my parents.