Monday, December 29, 2008

Visit with member/Prospective Member in Bangkok

This evening prior to leaving tomorrow morning for Myanmar, Mr. Baker and I were able to visit with our only UCG member in Bangkok--Mr. Fil Olympus. Mr. Olympus is a Filipino that is married and has two children. He has lived in Thailand for 9 years and is a journalist for a couple of travel magazines in SE Asia. We also had the chance to meet with a young Thai lady--Nattie. I forgot Nattie's last name, and being Thai I probably would have mis-spelled it in a bad way! Nattie is a very sweet young lady that is truly brand new to the truth of God. We visited with Nattie for about an hour and a half here at the Hotel in Bangkok. Coming from a Buddhist background (which is typical for Thais)--she had some very interesting and thought-provoking questions. All-in-all it was a very profitable visit, with Mr. Baker encouraging her to continue her studies with the UCG Bible Study course. He hopes to meet up with her again on his next visit here in the spring, and she is looking forward to keeping the Feast of Tabernacles in Thailand/Bangkok next year! It was a very interesting and inspiring visit, indeed.
Now, in the Morning we're off to Myanmar. Blackout time, so no posts till Friday!...

~Doug Horchak

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Touring Grand Palace

Today (Monday) we went to the Thai Grand Palace grounds--where Ramah I built some of the most ornate and beautiful buildings, Buddhist temples, and palaces in SE Asia. Some of the buildings on the grounds date back to the 1700's, and are have been witness to the coronation of many of the Kings of Siam (Thailand) over the past 300 years. The current king, King Bhumibol, was coronated in 1950, and just turned 81 years of age on December 5th. He is the longest reigning monarch in SE Asia and one of the longest in the world.

Anyway, in addition to seeing the buildings and temples, we also were able to take a ride in a long-tail boat on the Chao Phraya River. It was a hoot! We saw a combination of skyscrapers, river shacks, canoes selling fruit, and a river teeming with catfish (they'd virtually jump out of the water to eat a banana peel!). This afternoon, we meet with the tour/hotel personnel in planning for the 2009 FOT here in Bangkok, and also meet with a new prospective member and member at 5pm tonight. Off to Myanmar tomorrow morning where we will be meeting with some new brethren conducting doctrine classes in one of their homes in Yangon for 3 days. ~D. Horchak

Sabbath In Manila

On the Sabbath of December 27, Mr. Baker and I were picked up at the Hotel Manila by Mr. Ray Evasco and his wife, Cynthia. We arrived about an hour prior to services and had the chance to meet with some of the brethren. It really was a wonderful experience. As it turned out we had 99 in attendance that day. After a very wonderful Special Sabbath Music presentation, I was able to speak to the congregation. In addition to giving them greetings from their brethren in Dallas and Sherman, Texas...I was able remind them of the part they played in the larger body of the Church, and that we were truly, "all in this together" in terms of our working both to preach the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the world, and to grow and overcome in our effort to be in the Kingdom of God. After a wonderful potluck meal that afternoon, Mr. Baker and I caught a 7pm flight that evening for Bangkok, Thailand. ~ Doug Horchak

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Visiting the Philippine Eagle Refuge

Earlier in the week, Mr. Ed Macaraeg took Mr. Baker and myself to the famous Philippine Eagle Refuge and park. A wonderful park displaying in open aviaries some of the indigenous birds of prey in the Philippines--highlighting the second largest eagle on earth--the Philippine Eagle. But, despite our seeing and learning about some of the animals of the island of Mindinao, the hightlight was smelling durian (a specialty-fruit of Asia that has a "smell" to die for!)...and posing with a python. ~Doug Horchak

Leadership Conference--Davao, Mindinao

On Wednesday and Thursday, December 24 and 25, Mr. Dave Baker held the Philippine Leadership Conference at the Waterfront Hotel in Davao City, Mindanao. A total of 61 pastors, elders, deacons/deaconesses, and other congregational leaders are meeting for 2 days to receive instruction on congregational leadership, teaching, and congregational development. Many of these men are from some very rural areas, yet are committed to assist the pastors and elders to serve the brethren in these more remote locations.

The classes being taught are many of those topics that were presented at the U.S. Regional Ministerial conferences in 2007 and 2008. In preparation for these meetings, the very presentations that would be used in the Philippines were videoed at the last Regional Conference in Ohio in early December. While I will present three topics at the conference—(Pride and Humility in your Ministry, Speaking at the Feast of Tabernacles, and Leadership and Mentoring programs)—all of the other presentations will be presented from the DVD’s made of the taped presentations. Mr. Baker has made the introductory comments at the beginning of the conference, and this first day of classes went extremely well. The elders and congregational leaders are very engaged in the presentations and have expressed great appreciation for the many additional topics covered (Principles of I and II Timothy, Doctrine in Leadership, Teaching as You have been taught, Submission and Authority in the Government of God, Examining Yourself and Taking Correction, Creating the Right Environment for Growth, Integrity and the Code of Ethics, Preaching the Gospel/Preparing a People). The conference will end at 6pm on Thursday, December 25th. ~Doug Horchak

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pilipino Ministerial Conference—Davao, Philippines

Tuesday, December 22 was the day we met with all of the ministry and pastors in Davao. This meeting that Mr. Dave Baker conducted was not only a meeting of the UCG Philippines board, but all of the ministry. Our meetings began with reports from three of the key office personnel, Daniel Macaraeg, Richard Macaraeg, and Charles Macaraeg. Each of these gentlemen work in key areas of the Philippine office overseeing the entire office, keeping all donation receipts and mail up-to-date, all media and subscriber maintenance, along with all internet and UCG asian website presence. Daniel, Charles, and Richard fielded questions and suggestions from the 8 Filippino ministers and wives attending. In addition, each pastor and elder commented on their respective church areas and congregations, along with update on how the Feast of Tabernacles went in Bagio City, Ilo Ilo, and Davao city. The afternoon was taken up with a number of agenda items that the pastors wanted to discuss regarding serving the brethren in the Philippines more effectively, doctrine, and policy. It was a very interactive and very productive day indeed! ~ Doug Horchak

Visiting Members in Prison—Davao, Philippines

On Sunday, December 21st, Mr. Baker and I were able to visit the member here in Mindanao that has been in prison for almost 4 years—Ms. Jed Pilapil Sy. Jed was jailed in 2004 when the government police in Davao, Mindanao charged her as an accomplice with her husband (a non-member) as he was charged with Drug trafficking. His wife, Jed, was unaware of his activities, but since her husband escaped and was not apprehended by the police, they chose to arrest his wife instead—even though there was no evidence of her involvement. Jed has now been in the Davao city jail for 4 years. Sadly, this past fall after a lengthy trial, Jed found out that the court judge found her “guilty”, and she has been sentenced to life imprisonment. This, of course, would be quite a blow to most people.

After meeting and talking with Jed—it was apparent she is a woman of faith, and expressed both her love and deep appreciation for the love, prayers, and letters of the membership…but also expressed her faith that if she must remain incarcerated…that she knows God will see her through. She has been an inspiring example of an inmate, to the extent that the female warden relies on Jed to organize and administer many of the operations at the 110-inmate facility in Davao. It really is a great example of one of God’s people “in prison”—yet being a light to many of those around her. Jed’s brother, Jhong, is also in the men’s prison for the same false charges and while not a member, does believe this is God’s church and considers himself a prospective member. We were also able to visit Jhong in the men’s prison. The sad part is that while Jhong is in very good spirits and doing well, the facility that he is in houses over 1,000 men—in the same sized facility that Jed is in with only 110. Both Jed and Jhong appreciate the continued prayers of God’s people for their protection their ultimate deliverance. ~Doug Horchak

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sabbath in Bacolod City

On the Sabbath, Mr. Baker and I got up about 5am, and caught an early flight to Bacoload City where we spent the Sabbath. Mr. Siopan and his wife met us and the airport and we were then taken to our hotel in town. That afternoon we met 52 brethren for Sabbath services. A very friendly and appreciate group of God’s people make me feel welcomed to their congregation. We had special music by their 11-voice choir and after Mr. Baker’s comments to the brethren coupled with an explanation of our 3 week trip, he introduced me for the sermon. After services we had a very special treat—as they had arranged for Coke and Sprite and some Pizza Hut pizza! What a treat.

That evening Mr. Berk and I met the elders, deacon, and wives for special “Bacolod Chicken” on bamboo skewers and served on banana leave with garlic rice! Topped off with a cold San Miguel beer and it was the perfect meal! (Rumor has it that this was Mr. Clyde Kilough’s favorite while here…I can see why). Got to bed early that evening, as we had to get up at 4:30 on Sunday to catch connecting flights to Davao City for the weeks meetings and conference.

Tour Of Corregidor Island...Manila

I arrived late on Thursday night, Dec. 18th with Mr. Dave Baker and Mr-s Ray Evasco meeting me at the airport, which I much appreciated!Got about 4 hours sleep on Thursday night, as Mr. Baker and I took a shuttle boat out to Corregidor Island at the mouth of Manila Bay to take a tour of the famous World War II memorial on the famous military encampment captured by the Japanese in 1942, only to be re-captured and occupied again by the US and Philippine military in 1945.As many know, Corregidor was a small, rocky island at the mouth of the large Bay of Manila that has served as the primary military defensive outpost for Manila and the Philippines since World War I. Touring the entire island with the history of the US military occupation in 1941 and 1942 when U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was overseeing the protection of the Philippino government officials during the Japanese occupation at the beginning of WW II. Taking this tour was both a reminder of the ravages of human warfare, violence and suffering...and the blessings of military success no doubt due to the protection and blessings of God during the darkest days of the Pacific Front during World War II for the United States. Clearly, these days of the leadership of Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the decades of the 1930's and 1040's defined the modern-day Philippines and the decades that would follow. Tomorrow we fly to Bacalod and I will speak there for services. On Sunday morning we fly to Davao to visit with member in prison, then begin the ministerial meetings during the week.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Trip to SE Asia--Dec 17--Jan 6

I have the privilege of accompanying Mr. Dave Baker on his trip to SE Asia this month. We'll be conducting Leadership Seminars and ministerial meetings in the Philippines, doctrinal classes in Yangon, Myanmar; and visiting brethren in Hong Kong. Our travels will have us in Philippines Dec 18-27, Thailand Dec 27-30, Myanmar Dec 30-Jan 1, and Hong Kong Jan 2-Jan 6. I hope to post some updates along with way!