Tuesday, December 22 was the day we met with all of the ministry and pastors in Davao. This meeting that Mr. Dave Baker conducted was not only a meeting of the UCG Philippines board, but all of the ministry. Our meetings began with reports from three of the key office personnel, Daniel Macaraeg, Richard Macaraeg, and Charles Macaraeg. Each of these gentlemen work in key areas of the Philippine office overseeing the entire office, keeping all donation receipts and mail up-to-date, all media and subscriber maintenance, along with all internet and UCG asian website presence. Daniel, Charles, and Richard fielded questions and suggestions from the 8 Filippino ministers and wives attending. In addition, each pastor and elder commented on their respective church areas and congregations, along with update on how the Feast of Tabernacles went in Bagio City, Ilo Ilo, and Davao city. The afternoon was taken up with a number of agenda items that the pastors wanted to discuss regarding serving the brethren in the Philippines more effectively, doctrine, and policy. It was a very interactive and very productive day indeed! ~ Doug Horchak
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