Monday, December 29, 2008

Visit with member/Prospective Member in Bangkok

This evening prior to leaving tomorrow morning for Myanmar, Mr. Baker and I were able to visit with our only UCG member in Bangkok--Mr. Fil Olympus. Mr. Olympus is a Filipino that is married and has two children. He has lived in Thailand for 9 years and is a journalist for a couple of travel magazines in SE Asia. We also had the chance to meet with a young Thai lady--Nattie. I forgot Nattie's last name, and being Thai I probably would have mis-spelled it in a bad way! Nattie is a very sweet young lady that is truly brand new to the truth of God. We visited with Nattie for about an hour and a half here at the Hotel in Bangkok. Coming from a Buddhist background (which is typical for Thais)--she had some very interesting and thought-provoking questions. All-in-all it was a very profitable visit, with Mr. Baker encouraging her to continue her studies with the UCG Bible Study course. He hopes to meet up with her again on his next visit here in the spring, and she is looking forward to keeping the Feast of Tabernacles in Thailand/Bangkok next year! It was a very interesting and inspiring visit, indeed.
Now, in the Morning we're off to Myanmar. Blackout time, so no posts till Friday!...

~Doug Horchak

1 comment:

Jordan Crew 08 said...

Hi Mr. H! Thanks for sharing some of your experiences with us! It's great to hear what's going on with the members in that part of the world! Hope the rest of your trip goes well. You're in our prayers!

-The Jordan Crew